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This policy is subject to change as regulations around COVID-19 are updated

To meet our previous commitments to individuals enrolled in activities or using our facility, the following protocols are in place for all individuals entering our building until further notice. Our policy is guided by information from the Public Health Agency of Canada, Middlesex London Health Unit, and to comply with the government requirements for organizations in our sector. TAP’s COVID-19 operating policy and protocols are in place to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. However, attending in-person events could increase your risk of contraction, as such visitors voluntarily assume all risks and agree that they will not hold TAP liable for any illness that may result.


All individuals regardless of their vaccine status -fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated or unvaccinated- will be required to follow the mandatory Health & Safety Protocols while at TAP:


Check in – All visitors and event attendees will be required to check in on arrival at the front desk. Some programs in our facility continue to require proof of vaccination along with photo identification at the time of arrival. This requirement will be identified during registration or ticket purchase.


Self-screening – All individuals are asked to review the self-screening signage located at the entrance upon arrival or complete the Government of Ontario’s self-assessment screening for COVID-19  before arriving at TAP. If you feel unwell or have any Covid-19 symptoms, please stay at home. If you are awaiting Covid-19 test results, please do not visit TAP until you have received a negative test result. 


Masks – Masks are optional for most TAP events and we encourage everyone to make the decision based on what would make them feel most safe and comfortable.


Our community partners may require and enforce masking when hosting activities in our space, and this information will be shared along with the other event details on our website. It is the responsibility of attendees to be aware of what is required of them and TAP makes no guarantees that masks will be available.


We respect and support individual decisions on this matter and ask that you do the same.


Hand hygiene – Hand sanitizing stations will continue to be provided at the main entrance and on each studio floor. Washing with soap and water regularly is recommended if you are staying for a length of time or engaging in hands-on activities.


Physical distancing – Where appropriate for some activities individuals will be asked to maintain a physical distance of 2 meters (6 feet) during activities at TAP and seating and activity stations will be pre-determined to help meet this requirement.


Please note that these policies and protocols may change at any time to meet changes of government mandates and public health guidelines. In addition attendance numbers for activities will be limited to meet restriction guidelines. We thank you for helping us provide a safe space for creativity.

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