As an extension of our creative hub, we are providing space and support for creators to make and present work outside of our building. Each Thursday artists and performers will be sharing their creativity on Dundas Place under their own tents (provided by the City of London). That's not all! Every Friday and Saturday there will be scheduled performances featuring local poets, musicians and actors at The Good Foundation Inc Theatre down the street. This is your chance to experience the variety of arts in this city and support local creators.
Our team as well as the participating creatives are very excited to welcome you back on Dundas Place. Please keep in mind your own safety, as well as the health and safety of the artists, performers, makers and audience members that you will be sharing the space with downtown. Take all of the safety precautions that the City of London has outlined.
Keep in mind that these activations will be happening rain or shine, so put on some sun screen and bring an umbrella to be ready for anything.
We will be keeping our audience updated on the dates and times that your favourite local creators will be sharing their work through our Facebook Events and Instagram. An updated calendar will be available here, on our website once dates are confirmed.
TAP Centre for Creativity is located in the colonial city of London, Ontario; London is located on the traditional lands of the Anishinaabek, Haudenosaunee, LÅ«naapéewak, and Attawandaron peoples. These lands are connected with the London Township and Sombra Treaties (both colonial treaties) of 1796, but also with the Dish with One Spoon Covenant Wampum. This wampum is an Indigenous treaty, originally made between the Anishinaabek and Haudenosaunee peoples in the middle of the 18th century, and it covers the lands that are now called, in English, Southern Ontario. According to this covenant, the “dish” or bowl is the land, and the one spoon refers to the way we, as shared stewards of this land, use it: by taking only what we need and leaving plenty for others, because we all must eat, ultimately, from the same plate, regardless of bounty or hardship. Activating these spaces for creative presentation and creation will be done with the spirit and intention of this treaty.