Want to be featured in our life drawing exhibit?
TAP is looking for submissions for our Life Drawing exhibit! We want to give people the opportunity to take a look behind the curtain, and to see what’s being created during these sessions! Our life drawing sessions have been ongoing for years, and it’s important that we not only showcase the works of our community members, but also the range and diversity of the artists and their artworks.
Each artist can submit 4-6 works, which our staff will review for size and space availability. Each piece should not be any smaller than 8½ by 11 inches and should not be framed. To apply for this exhibit opportunity, please fill out the form on our website with your name and a short biography (max 3 sentences), and a Google drive link that contains images of the pieces you would like to exhibit no later than July 28th.
Upon receiving confirmation that you will be participating in the exhibit, please drop off your work to TAP with the following information attached to your submission (name, phone number, email, and list of pieces). Work must be delivered before 5:00pm on Saturday August 5, any work delivered past this date will unfortunately not be able to be exhibited.
Submission Dates: No later than July 28th
Exhibition Dates: August 9th to Sept 2nd